This program is for your personal access only. Do not copy, store, and/or distribute any of the program materials or resources beyond your own personal use. Doing so may result in legal action and your access to the course being revoked without refund.
Online Fitness Program Disclaimer
To reduce the risk of decompression sickness (DCS), it is best to avoid strenuous exercise 24 hours before and after diving.
Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. PLEASE ALWAYS consult your DOCTOR before beginning this or any other exercise program, especially if you have any chronic or recurring condition, and/or if you are pregnant, nursing, or elderly. This exercise program is NOT recommended if you experience chest pains or have uncontrolled blood pressure or other uncontrolled chronic diseases.
• By performing any of the exercises in this program, you assume ALL risks of injury from doing so. Shaped By Strength and Anna Wood Fitness, LLC are NOT responsible or liable for any injury or loss you may sustain by participating in this exercise program.
ALWAYS warm up before beginning any workout and NEVER exercise beyond the level at which you feel comfortable.
PLEASE stop exercising immediately if you experience pain, soreness, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, headache, nausea, sickness, illness, dehydration, excessive sweating, or any other discomfort. If any of these symptoms persists after you stop exercising, please seek medical help immediately.
This exercise program and the class tutorials and instructions provided in this program are NOT intended, and should NOT be used, as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Shaped By Strength and Anna Wood Fitness, LLC make NO representation or warranty, whether express or implied, with respect to the safety, usefulness, or the result of this exercise program.